National Nuclear Energy Organization case study

Change-makers in focus

Measuring the impact of training programs

How we help:

We worked with the National Nuclear Energy Organization to develop a suite of measurement tools to track the ROI on their development program. This included a pre-program diagnostic process, a mid-program measurement solution, and post-program impact assessment.

National Nuclear Energy Organization case study

A holistic approach to demonstrating learning impact

The National Nuclear Energy Organization is a world-leader in nuclear innovation, and the only UK organisation able to provide technical support across the whole nuclear industry. Its purpose is to use the UK’s rich nuclear heritage to help solve global challenges in four strategic areas: clean energy, environmental restoration, health and nuclear medicine, and security and non-proliferation.

We took a holistic approach to designing a three-way solution:

Pre-program: to help with program design, this covered key themes from the pre-program coaching session, measured participants’ readiness to learn, and provided psychometric and multi-rater assessment data to evaluate learner sentiment.

During: to understand ongoing satisfaction, this included online check-ins to measure confidence and competence, program satisfaction surveys and guidance, and project sponsors to assess participants’ engagement and progress.

Post-program: to measure impact, this included multi-rater assessment data to evaluate learner sentiment; project presentations; coaching impact surveys; and a certificate of application to demonstrate the skills learned.

National Nuclear Energy Organization case study industry

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We have helped more than 3,000 organizations, from large multinational companies, to governments, to public sector businesses, to charities. Our capacity to deliver customized programs at scale makes us the provider of choice for global businesses and governments.

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