Research & Thought Leadership

Agile Leadership for Turbulent Times

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What does agile leadership mean? And what do leaders need to be able to thrive in disruptive times?

These are some of the key questions we answer in our new eBook ‘Agile Leadership for Turbulent Times’ written by our expert faculty Sharon Olivier, Frederick Holscher, and Colin Williams.

We are living in turbulent times. The adaptability of leaders and organizations is being tested to breaking point, and never before has it been so vital to the success of our people and our companies.

This white paper will provide you with practical insights into:

  • How to become a more agile leader

  • How to lead your organization more effectively through this difficult period.

  • How you can ‘ride the waves’, to take energy and opportunity from them, rather than fighting them, feeling frustrated and possibly exhausted.

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