Release your



Release your change-makers

Your people have a huge capacity to create positive change. The key to unlocking it lies in their ability to learn (and keep learning) in a world of work that is always evolving. We build change-makers by transforming the way people learn.

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Rethinking leadership in the global world of work

Our new report delves into what it takes to create leaders who can inspire, guide and galvanise their people to become positive change-makers.

Read the full report

Explore our practical, experiential, immersive, and behavioural learning programs:

Language and Communication

Unlock your diversity of insight by removing the language and communication barriers within your organisation.

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Empower your people to be the best version of themselves and increase their capacity to drive change.

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Leadership development

Build leaders who can inspire, guide, and galvanise their people to become positive change-makers.


Our coaching NPS score


schools and offices in 114 countries


of 2022 ELTons Innovation Award in Language Learning (British Council)

Top 20

ranking for Exec Ed in Europe (Financial Times)


satisfaction rate

4 million

Business English classes delivered each year

Rethinking leadership in the global world of work

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Read the full report

Our work in action

Creating a transformative new culture for IRCR

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Creating a transformative new culture for IRCR

This body paragraph can contain max five lines of text and will display ellipses / three dots if the text goes on for longer. Nam libero eligendi optio cumq harum ...

Creating a transformative new culture for IRCR

Creating a transformative new culture for IRCR

This body paragraph can contain max five lines of text and will display ellipses / three dots if the text goes on for longer. Nam libero eligendi optio cumq harum ...

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Some of our partners
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