Cultivating Resilience Through Executive Coaching
Explore how coaching can help you develop and maintain your own brand of resilience, and overcome ongoing challenges.
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The recent pandemic has certainly been one of the biggest challenges facing a whole generation of leaders.
As they encounter an increased need to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges while continuing to lead their teams, resilience is key to ensure leaders can navigate this ongoing period of crisis whilst learning and not burning out. With improved resilience comes less stress and consequently better performance. But what might help build resilience in one person is not necessarily the same for someone else.
Hear from Naysan Firoozmand MSc C.Psychol, Head of Global Executive Coaching, and Marie-Anne Chidiac, Executive Coach at Hult to explore how coaching can help you develop and maintain your own brand of resilience, and overcome ongoing challenges.
What you will learn
Challenges faced by leaders during the pandemic and how these have affected them personally, their teams, and organizations with specific reference to the impact on their resilience
Different ways to use resilience coaching to navigate through difficult times
How to develop leadership skills to be mindful, self-aware, and able to cope with new challenges that arise from crisis to maintain wellbeing and to continue leading your people effectively.
Watch the recording!
Explore how coaching can help you develop and maintain your own brand of resilience, and overcome ongoing challenges.
Our expert speakers: Naysan Firoozmand
Naysan is inspired and intrigued by human behavior and the influencing factors around why people do things the way they do them within their specific context. Naysan is a Chartered Business Psychologist and has, for the past 18 years, worked with clients around the world to design and deliver behavior change programs focused on leadership, management, and organizational development. He utilizes his knowledge and experience of different sectors, including finance, engineering, pharmaceuticals, energy, and technology, to highlight the similarities and differences between contexts that leaders find themselves in.
Dr Marie-Anne Chidiac
Marie-Anne is an experienced coach and coach supervisor. Her distinctiveness is that she both understands business and is qualified to work with deeper aspects of personal change. Her particular interest is in Leadership presence and how this is supported through resilience and relational skills.
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