Executive Transitions: How to successfully transition into new leadership roles

How can executive transitions be accelerated to create value and be de-risked at the same time?

Webinar available on-demand

Watch the webinar below to learn how to enable executives to hit the ground running when transitioning into new roles and get in touch to find out more about corporate learning solutions from Hult EF.


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How can executive transitions be accelerated to create value and be de-risked at the same time?

Pre-COVID research proves that executive transitions are risky with 40% of executive transitions failing during the first 18 months.

New executives often require 6+ months to break-even productivity levels. The global pandemic coupled with #TheGreatResignation has further intensified the risk of a rocky start, so executive transitions are even more challenging now.

Join this 60-minute webinar with Navid Nazemian, Executive Coach and author of the book Mastering Executive Transitions: The Definitive Guide together with Naysan Firoozmand, VP Head of Global Coaching at Hult EF Corporate Education to explore how organizations can apply proven de-risking strategies and enable powerful interventions to support their executives hit the ground running and accelerate value creation for shareholders.

In this session you will learn:

  • What are the most common executive transitions challenges

  • Why there is such a high failure rate & what is the true cost of failure to organizations

  • Proven executive transitions interventions that work

  • How executive transition coaching has helped a CXO overcome 7 major challenges successfully

Watch the recording!

Explore why executive transitions often fail and learn some proven de-risking strategies to effectively transition into new leadership roles


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